

Head Starter Growth Advanced Premium
Suitable for Small local retail business Start up/ Regional presence Medium sized national brands Large organisations
Package Cost 20,000 40,000 75,000 150,000
Micro videos (Upto 20 secs)
Using Royalty free Footage/Images/Music
or as per Product/Service Footage/Images by client
4 4 6 4
Product Videos (conceptualising, scritpting and edit upto 60 secs)
Using Royalty free Footage/Images/Music
or as per Product/Service Footage/Images by client
NA 2 4 2
Brand/Launch Videos (conceptualising, scritpting and production upto 2 mins)
Using Royalty free Footage/Images/Music
or as per Product/Service Footage/Images by client
NA NA 1 1
Corporate Video (conceptualising, scritpting and production upto 1 min) (Includes 1/2 day shoot at client office/Factory in Del NCR) and Post Production
Using Royalty free Footage/Images/Music
or as per Product/Service Footage/Images by client
Custom Voice Over /Narration - Additional On Actuals On Actuals On Actuals Standard VO Included
Drone Shoot - Additional On Actuals On Actuals On Actuals On Actuals